The Sacred Journey Fills Always
My days are filled with sunshine, my nights are filled with gloom. But if I keep my head up I can see the loom. (weaving grandmother destiny). I have but only to find the light that gives me all I shoom (accelerate at fast speeds). For even though the days are long, the nights give me time to appear. If I can fly to heaven and back then I can find my way.
It seems that any day now, the breaking of the wind. Will make a Rainbow clear and loud even bringing more than we please. It is the springtime of Heaven's wake, the Springtime of the air. I can breathe my step in life that come, if I choose to run upon the ground.
Never can I please the day, if I can look away. But if I look upon your face,then I can begin to pray. My soul I find my brother, my heart belongs to him, which way can I find the door if my sister won't help me find my way. I will look upon her beauty, I will look upon the door. I will find the light that I adore and keep it in the store. I gift my love when you come here. I open the door both ways. For you are there, my kinsmen deer, the journey of always.
Aho, may your spirit fly! Join the Pure Heart Network WhiteBuffaloCalfWoman.Ning.Com
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